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Money and people’s attitude to it.

They say that money rules the world. Does it and why do people need money?
Money in general has three main uses. The first, and the most important one, is a medium of exchange – that is something people will accept for their goods and services. The second use of money is that it serves as a unit of account. People state the price of goods and services in terms of money. The third use of money is as a store of wealth.
It often seems that money is nearly the main option for people to communicate. They work for money, they go out to spend money, they sometimes make friends for money, they love, live and die for money. Lots of people dream of making a fortune.
Just imagine you have won a million dollars. What would you do with it? Would you give it all away? Surely, nobody in their right mind would do that. But in fact, there have been several examples over the years of millionaires who gave away all their fortune to help others. One of them was Percy Ross, who gave away around $30 million. Why did he do it? His childhood was very poor. And when Ross made a fortune he understood that his money could be used to help a lot of disadvantaged people. Another rich man – Ben Way, who took part in the show "Secret Millionaire”, gave &20,000 to a youth club for renovation. He also gave money to one of the volunteers, so that he could get married.
So, love, friendship and support are more valuable for some people than the desire to acquire money. And those people are right. We need money for our purposes: to buy necessary things, to travel, to build a house, to provide a family. And it is terrible if getting money becomes a purpose itself. Money is a good servant, but a horrible master.
(Cristina Constantinova)
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